
We are pleased to invite you to partner with us in our 6th Annual Private Society Arts and Fashion Exposé, formally known as PSAFE. The purpose of this event is to embrace the profuse varieties of art and promote awareness of its importance within minority communities. In addition to promoting awareness of the arts, we embody the minority entrepreneur and strive to create a commerce for minority owned business owners and consumers.

We feel that our vision closely aligns with your business values, and together we can bridge the gap between your business and minority consumers. We strive to make our shows BIGGER and BETTER every year. That’s why we need you! We have vendor, sponsor, and swag bag opportunities available.
This year we’re projecting to pack the house out with 300 + guests for this one event. We encourage you to view our website to witness the magnitude of this explosive event. PSAFE 6 is the event that you DON’T want to miss!

We hope that you will accept our invitation to join us this June 18rd, 2022 for our Annual PSAFE event. Additionally, if you’re interested in being a part of the 2022 show lineup, please inquire at


If you are interested in performing at PSAFE 2022, please fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly with next steps.